Route Optimisation
Finding the shortest and most efficient routes for your delivery vehicles saves time and money. Use CACI’s route optimisation solutions to cut fuel costs and emissions and use your available workforce and fleet efficiently to hit customer service targets.
Our route optimisation tools typically save clients between 5% and 25% on fuel bills. The bigger your vehicle fleet, the greater the saving . Whether you’re dealing with B2B or home delivery logistics, or optimising routes for a field-based team, we can help you minimise mileage and control costs.
Advice, software and tools for every kind of fleet
If you have 15 or more vehicles on the road, our solutions will help you travel more efficiently. Reps get more time to spend on calls if they’re wasting less on needless miles. Delivery vehicles can handle more drops per shift when they take the most efficient routes. With efficient route planning, you can optimise the number of vehicles and drivers you need, so you can be confident in capacity without building too much costly slack into your resources and scheduling.
Factor in all the variables for your operation
CACI’s route optimisation solution is market-leading, because you can set it up for your exact fleet and field or delivery model:
- Type and mix of vehicles
- Size and specification of products delivered
- Driver shift schedules
- Local, national and cross-border legislation
- Road networks and traffic conditions
Our expert route optimisation team works with you to deploy to meet your particular business needs. It’s ideal for daily operational planning and fixed route revisions. You can use it to model potential new routes and networks to support strategic decisions, so you know how to adapt or grow your resources to accommodate the needs of a changing marketplace.