digital forensics
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Data Management

What are the common challenges for digital forensics to overcome in terms of data management?

It is widely reported that now virtually every crime has a digital element associated with it. In some cases, this can pertain to vast amounts of complex data. According to the latest estimates, 328.77 exabytes of data are created each day. This explosion of data poses several challenges when it come to digital forensics.

Data preservation:

Preserving the integrity of digital evidence is crucial to digital forensics. It requires strict protocols and measures to prevent accidental or intentional alteration or deletion of data. Proper storage, chain of custody and access controls must be established to ensure the data is preserved throughout the investigation.

Security & privacy concerns:

Digital forensic investigations often involve sensitive and private data. Secure data management practices must be followed to protect the privacy rights of individuals and integrity of the data being analysed. Compliance with legal and ethical standards is essential to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of individuals involved in the investigation.


Further Considerations and CACI's expertise

Addressing these data management challenges requires a combination of expertise in digital forensics and data management strategy. CACI has both, we can help with the processes, procedures and practices involved in the effective handling, organisation, preservation, analysis, review and archive/disposal of digital evidence throughout the lifecycle of a digital investigation.

Data retention & disposal:

After completing an investigation, the retention and disposal of digital evidence must be carefully managed. Storage, backup, and archiving procedures need to be established to ensure the integrity and availability of evidence for future reference while adhering to data protection regulations.

Data location:

On-premise, closed network or cloud. The financial implications of the storage solution, including upfront costs, ongoing maintenance and operational expenses must be considered. Balancing the need for security and functionality with budget constraints is crucial when deciding on an appropriate storage option.

Contact us

Contact our Digital Forensics Team for further details: [email protected]

Digital Forensic PT


Accreditation Support

QMS service development, consultancy and audit

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Digital Forensics Lab Services

Acquisition, processing and analysis of computer devices, mobile devices and cloud storage

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Infrastructure Design

Operational environment, offsite-offline, cloud storage and cloud computing

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Proficiency Testing

Testing to evaluate your proficiency in conducting digital forensic examinations and analysis

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Timely assessment of digital devices to confirm presence of evidence and direct investigations

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Our clients

Can integrated Clear and Dark Web data revolutionise intelligence investigations?

Damon Ugargol
14 Mar 2025

How digital forensics can scale up its mission-critical role to improve modern policing

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7 Aug 2024

How has CACI responded to the Forensic Science Regulator Code?

Rory Thorne
29 May 2024

What is Digital Forensics?

Damon Ugargol
13 Feb 2024

Legacy application interoperability & integration in the Police Force

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8 Jun 2023

Overcoming barriers to digital transformation in the police force

Damon Ugargol
14 May 2023