Circle Case study

How Business Isle of Man developed a trusted demographic model and profile with CACI’s data

Creating a brand new Acorn dataset to put a thriving Island on the map for investors and commerce

Company background

Business Isle of Man is an Executive Agency of the Isle of Man Government’s Department for Enterprise, acting as a key decision making and advisory body supporting the Government’s ambition for long term economic prosperity. Its purpose is to help create an environment for key sectors to achieve sustainable growth whilst establishing the Island as an internationally well-regarded home for export business.

The Department has a key role to play in the achievement of the Programme for Government’s stated intention to be an Island of Enterprise and Opportunity. Supporting economic development is of strategic importance for the Island’s future growth and prosperity.

Why they chose us

  • Business Isle of Man was approached by a property developer keen to attract larger UK multiples. These businesses were asking for a demographic report, so they could assess the commercial viability case for their brands. None of them understood the Isle of Man’s demographic.
  • Jonathan Platten, Economist for the Department for Enterprise takes up the story:

We commissioned CACI to develop a trusted demographic database and map that showed detailed profiles of our population across the Island. CACI impressed us with their expertise and reputation in the field of socio-demographics.

What they use it for

  • Business Development Manager, Rachel Hopkinson expresses the benefits clearly: 

We have never before seen such a detailed analysis of our population across the island, including Douglas (the Island capital). Although our Island population is under 100,000, there is a big opportunity for retail and leisure businesses. Isle of Man retailers perform exceptionally well compared to the UK because we have a wealthy population and a captive audience. Now, we have the demographic data to show why this is the case.

  • As well as commissioning CACI to produce the dataset and report, Business Isle of Man has entered into a collaborative ongoing relationship with CACI to help provide further, specific analysis for Island businesses and investors.


  1. Now, the Isle of Man can be considered alongside the UK as part of CACI’s trusted dataset and modelling, with the same granular, visual demographic detail. For the first time, investors, retailers and businesses can build reliable modelling into their business cases at postcode level.
  2. Rachel Hopkinson adds:

The report and dataset also ties in strongly with our ‘Locate Isle of Man’ strategy– which is about presenting the Island as an attractive destination where people choose to live and work and where businesses and entrepreneurs choose to locate and invest. We have so much to offer in quality of life for professionals and families.

Read the case study

Please view the full customer story here. If you want to learn more or have any questions please get in touch with us.