Circle Case study

Delivering effective engagements for Age UK supporters with Demographic Data

CACI’s suite of demographic data allows Age UK to be smarter in its communications strategy

Company background

Age UK offer free information and advice on topics as diverse as claiming benefits to finding a care home. With a growing ageing population, they play an integral part in helping many of our older generation with their struggles to live comfortably.

Why they chose us

CACI’s suite of demographic data was chosen by Age UK to help the charity build a deeper understanding of its diverse supporter and customer base; whether they be a donor to the cause, an event participant, product purchaser, or any other relationship holder.

What they use it for

Age UK’s marketing teams have found Acorn and Fresco data to be beneficial in being able to track ROI against campaigns. The charity’s reporting dashboards contain Acorn and Fresco variables, allowing the marketing departments to see the profile of new acquisitions each month, in response to campaigns and appeals.


CACI’s suite of demographic data (Acorn, Fresco and Wellbeing Acorn) allows Age UK to be smarter in its communications strategy. Having a deeper understanding of its customer base, Age UK can be more considered when planning whom to contact with specific offers that are best suited to each of its customer segments.

CACI’s data products are key to unlocking an understanding of our supporters, service users and product purchasers, and plays a vital part in our effective engagement with them.

Rajib Majumdar, CRM Insight and Analysis

Read the case study

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