How ethical is machine learning?

How ethical is machine learning?

We all want tech to help us build a better world: Artificial Intelligence’s use in healthcare, fighting human trafficking and achieving gender equity are great examples of where this is already happening. But there are always going to be broader ethical considerations – and as AI gets more invisibly woven into our lives, these are going to become harder to untangle.

What’s often forgotten is that AI doesn’t just impact our future – it’s fuelled by our past. Machine learning, one variety of AI, learns from previous data to make autonomous decisions in the present. However, which parts of our existing data we wish to use as well as how and when we want to apply them is highly contentious – and it’s likely to stay that way.

A new frontier – or the old Wild West?

For much of human history, decisions were made that did not reflect current ideals or even norms. Far from changing the future for the better, AI runs the risk of mirroring the past. A computer program used by a US court for risk assessment proved to be highly racially biased, probably because minority ethnic groups are overrepresented in US prisons and therefore also in the data it was drawing conclusions from.

This demonstrates two dangers: repeating our biases without question and inappropriate usage of technology in the first place. Supposedly improved systems are still being developed and utilised in this area, with ramifications on real human freedom and safety. Despite its efficiencies, human judgement is always going to have its place.​​​​​​​

The ethics of language modelling, a specific form of machine learning, are increasingly up for debate. At its most basic it provides the predictive texting on your phone, using past data to guess what’s needed after your prompt. On a larger scale, complex language models are used in natural language processing (NLP) applications, applying algorithms to create text that reads like real human writing. We already see these in chatbots – with results that can range from the useful to the irritating to the outright dangerous.

At the moment, when we’re interacting with a chatbot we probably know it – in most instances the language is still a little too stilted to pass as a real human. But as language modelling technology improves and becomes less distinguishable from real text, the bigger opportunities – and issues – are only going to be exacerbated.

Where does the data come from?

GPT-3, created by OpenAI, is the most powerful language model yet: from just a small amount of input, it can generate a vast range, and amount, of highly realistic text – from code to news reports to apparent dialogue. According to its developers ‘Over 300 applications are delivering GPT-3–powered search, conversation, text completion and other advanced AI features’.

And yet MIT’s Technology Review described it as based on ‘the cesspits of the internet’. Drawing indiscriminately on online publications, including social media, it’s been frequently shown to spout racism and sexism as soon as it’s prompted to do so. Ironically, with no moral code or filter of its own, it is perhaps the most accurate reflection we have of our society’s state of mind. It, and models like it, are increasingly fuelling what we read and interact with online.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Human language published on the internet, fuelled by algorithms that encourage extremes of opinion and reward anger, has already created enormous divisions in society, spreading misinformation that literally claims lives. Language models that generate new text indiscriminately and parrot back our worst instincts could well be an accelerant. ​​​​​​​

The words we use

Language is more than a reflection of our past; it shapes our perception of reality. For instance, the Native American Hopi language doesn’t treat time in terms of ‘chunks’ like minutes or hours. Instead they speak, and indeed think of it, as an unbroken stream that cannot be wasted. Other examples span across every difference in language, grammar, sentence structure – both influencing and being influenced by our modes of thinking.

The language we use has enormous value. If it’s being automatically generated and propagated everywhere, shaping our world view and how to respond to it, it needs to be done responsibly, fairly and honestly. Different perspectives, cultures, languages and dialects must be included to ensure that the world we’re building is as inclusive, open and truthful as possible. Otherwise the alternate perspectives and cultural variety they offer could become a thing of the past.

What are the risks? And what can we do about them?

Ethical AI

Language and tech are already hard to regulate due to the massive financial investment required to create language models. It’s currently being done by just a few large businesses that now have access to even more power. Without relying on human writers, they could potentially operate thousands of sites that flood the internet with automatically written content. Language models can then learn what characteristics result in viral spread and repeat, learn from that, and repeat, at massive quantity and speed.

Individual use can also lead to difficult questions. A developer used GPT-3 to create a ‘deadbot’ – a chatbot based on his deceased fiancée that perfectly mimicked her. The idea of chatbots that can mask as real, live people might be thrilling to some and terrifying to others, but it’s hard not to imagine feeling squeamish about a case like that. ​​​​​​​

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of developers and businesses everywhere to consider their actions and the future impact of what they create. Hopefully positive steps are being made. Meta – previously known as Facebook – has taken the unparalleled step of making their new language model completely accessible to any developer, along with details about how it was trained and built. According to Meta AI’s managing director, ‘We strongly believe that the ability for others to scrutinize your work is an important part of research. We really invite that collaboration.’

The opportunities for AI are vast, especially where it complements and augments human progress toward a better, more equal and opportunity-filled world. But the horror stories are not to be dismissed. As with every technological development, it’s about whose hands it’s put it in – and who they intend to benefit.

To find out more about our capabilities in this area, check out our DevSecOps page.


What can a Digital Twin do for you?

What can a Digital Twin do for you?

Digital Twin

Meaningfully improving your organisation’s operations sometimes requires more than just tinkering: it can require substantial change to bring everything up to scratch. But the risks of getting it wrong, especially for mission critical solutions depended on by multiple parties, frequently turn decision makers off. What if you could trial that change, with reliable predictions and the potential to model different scenarios, before pushing the button?

CACI’s Digital Twin offers just that capability. Based on an idea that’s breaking new ground from businesses like BMW to government agencies like NASA, it gives decision makers a highly accurate view into the future. Working as a real-time digital counterpart of any system, it can be used to simulate potential situations on the current set up, or model the impact of future alterations.

Producing realistic data (that’s been shown to match the effects of actual decisions once they’ve been undertaken), this technology massively reduces risk across an organisation. Scenario planning is accelerated, with enhanced complexity, resulting in better alignment between decision makers.

What are Digital Twins doing right now?

From physical assets like wind turbines and water distribution, Digital Twins are now being broadly used for business operations, and federated to tackle larger problems, like the control of a ‘smart city’. They’re also being used for micro-instances of highly risky situations, allowing surgeons to practice heart surgery, and to build quicker, more effective prototypes of fighter jets.

Recently, Anglo American used this technology to create a twin of its Quellaveco mine; ‘digital mining specialists can perform predictive tests that help reduce safety risks, optimise the use of resources and improve the performance of production equipment’. Interest is increasingly growing in this tech’s potential use within retail, where instability from both supply and demand sides have been causing havoc since the pandemic.

This technology allows such businesses to take control of their resources, systems and physical spaces, while trialling the impact of future situations before they come to pass. In a world where instability is the new norm, Digital Twins supersede reliance on historical data. They also allow better insight and analysis into current processes for quicker improvements, and overall give an unparalleled level of transparency.

Digital twin data visual

Where does Mood come in?

Mood Software is CACI’s proprietary data visualisation tool and has a record of success in enabling stakeholders to better understand their complex organisations. Mood is crucial to CACI’s Digital Twin solution as it integrates systems to create a single working model for management and planning. It enables collaborative planning, modelling and testing, bringing together stakeholders so they can work to the same goals.

Making effective decisions requires optimal access to data – and the future is one area we don’t have that on. But with Digital Twin technology, you are able to draw your own path, and make decisions with an enhanced level of insight.

If you’re looking for more on what Digital Twin might be able to do for you, read ‘Defence Fuels – Digital Twin’. In this white paper we show how we’re using Digital Twin to make improvements worth millions of pounds.

7 Steps to Strong Cloud Security

7 Steps to Strong Cloud Security


Demand for cloud-based offerings has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the importance of flexibility and agility now being realised. Without adapting, businesses risk being left behind, but what are the benefits and how do you know if it’s the right solution for you?

We shared the key advantages of cloud adoption and challenges in cloud security in our previous blogs.

In our final article in this series of blogs, we share the key steps to strengthen your organisations cloud security.

As more businesses adopt cloud technology, primarily to support hybrid working, cybercriminals are focusing their tactics on exploiting vulnerable cloud environments. Last year, a report found that 98% of companies experienced at least one cloud data breach in the past 18 months up from 79% in 2020. Of those surveyed, a shocking 67% reported three or more incidents.

This issue has been exacerbated by soaring global demand for tech talent. According to a recent survey, over 40% of IT decision-makers admitted to their business having a cyber security skills gap.
It’s a vulnerable time for enterprise organisations, and cloud security is the top priority for IT leaders. Here we consider the critical steps you can take now to make your business safer.

1. Understand your shared responsibility model

Defining and establishing the split of security responsibilities between an organisation and its CSP is one of the first steps in creating a successful cloud security strategy. Taking this action will provide more precise direction for your teams and mean that your apps, security, network, and compliance teams all have a say in your security approach. This helps to ensure that your security approach considers all angles.

2. Create a data governance framework

Once you’ve defined responsibilities, it’s time to set the rules. Establishing a clear data governance framework that defines who controls data assets and how data is used will provide a streamlined approach to managing and protecting information. However, setting the rules is one thing; ensuring they’re carefully followed is another – employing content control tools and role-based access controls to enforce this framework will help safeguard company data. Ensure your framework is built on a solid foundation by engaging your senior management early in your policy planning. With their input, influence, and understanding of the importance of cloud security, you’ll be better equipped to ensure compliance across your business.

3. Opt to automate

In an increasingly hostile threat environment, in-house IT teams are under pressure to manage high numbers of security alerts. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Automating security processes such as cybersecurity monitoring, threat intelligence collection, and vendor risk assessments means your team can spend less time analysing every potential threat, reducing admin errors and more time on innovation and growth activities.

4. Assess and address your knowledge gaps

Your users can either provide a strong line of defence or open the door to cyber-attacks. Make sure it’s the former by equipping the staff and stakeholders that access your cloud systems with the knowledge and tools they need to conduct safe practices, for example, by providing training on identifying malware and phishing emails.
For more advanced users of your cloud systems, take the time to review capability and experience gaps and consider where upskilling or outsourcing is required to keep your cloud environments safe.

5. Consider adopting a zero-trust model

Based on the principle of ‘Never Trust, Always Verify’, a zero-trust approach removes the assumption of trust from the security architecture by requiring authentication for every action, user, and device. Adopting a zero-trust model means always assuming that there’s a breach and securing all access to systems using multi-factor authentication and least privilege.
In addition to improving resilience and security posture, a zero-trust approach can also benefit businesses by enhancing user experiences via Single Sign-On (SSO) enablement, allowing better collaboration between organisations, and increased visibility of your user devices and services. However, not all organisations can accommodate a zero-trust approach. Incompatibility with legacy systems, cost, disruption, and vendor-lock-in must be balanced with the security advantages of zero-trust adoption.

6. Perform an in-depth cloud security assessment

Ultimately, the best way to bolster your cloud security is to perform a thorough cloud security audit. Having a clear view of your cloud environments, users, security capabilities, and inadequacies will allow you to take the best course of action to protect your business.

7. Bolster your defences

The most crucial principle of cloud security is that it’s an ongoing process and continuous monitoring is key to keeping your cloud secure. However, in an ever-evolving threat environment, IT and infosec professionals are under increasing pressure to stay ahead of cybercriminals’ sophisticated tactics.

A robust threat monitoring solution can help ease this pressure and bolster your security defence. Threat monitoring works by continuously collecting, collating, and evaluating security data from your network sensors, appliances, and endpoint agents to identify patterns indicative of threats. Threat alerts are more accurate with threat monitoring analysing data alongside contextual factors such as IP addresses and URLs. Additionally, traditionally hard-to-detect threats such as unauthorised internal accounts can be identified.

Businesses can employ myriad options for threat monitoring, from data protection platforms with threat monitoring capabilities to a dedicated threat monitoring solution. However, while implementing threat monitoring is a crucial and necessary step to securing your cloud environments, IT leaders must recognise that a robust security program comprises a multi-layered approach utilising technology, tools, people, and processes.

Get your cloud security assessment checklist and the best cloud security strategies in our comprehensive guide to cloud security.

The 9 Biggest Challenges in Cloud Security

The 9 Biggest Challenges in Cloud Security

Demand for cloud-based offerings has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the importance of flexibility and agility now being realised. Without adapting, businesses risk being left behind, but what are the benefits and how do you know if it’s the right solution for you?

We shared the key advantages of cloud adoption in our previous blog. This time around, we identify the biggest challenges of cloud security.

Cloud adoption has become increasingly important in the last two years, as businesses responded to the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, a 2020 survey reported that cloud security was the biggest challenge to cloud adoption for 83% of businesses. [1]

As cybercriminals increasingly target cloud environments, the pressure is on for IT leaders to protect their businesses. Here, we explore the most pressing threats to cloud security you should take note of.

1. Limited visibility

The traditionally used tools for gaining complete network visibility are ineffective for cloud environments as cloud-based resources are located outside the corporate network and run on infrastructure the company doesn’t own. Further, most organisations lack a complete view of their cloud footprint. You can’t protect what you can’t see, so having a handle on the entirety of your cloud estate is crucial.

2. Lack of cloud security architecture and strategy

The rush to migrate data and systems to the cloud meant that organisations were operational before thoroughly assessing and mitigating the new threats they’d been exposed to. The result is that robust security systems and strategies are not in place to protect infrastructure.

3. Unclear accountability

Pre-cloud, security was firmly in the hands of security teams. But in public and hybrid cloud settings, responsibility for cloud security is split between cloud service providers and users, with responsibility for security tasks differing depending on the cloud service model and provider. Without a standard shared responsibility model, addressing vulnerabilities effectively is challenging as businesses struggle to grapple with their responsibilities.

In a recent survey of IT leaders, 84% of UK respondents admitted that their organisation struggles to draw a clear line between their responsibility for cloud security and their cloud service provider’s responsibility for security. [2]

4. Misconfigured cloud services

Misconfiguration of cloud services can cause data to be publicly exposed, manipulated, or even deleted. It occurs when a user or admin fails to set up a cloud platform’s security setting properly. For example, keeping default security and access management settings for sensitive data, giving unauthorised individuals access, or leaving confidential data accessible without authorisation are all common misconfigurations. Human error is always a risk, but it can be easily mitigated with the right processes.

5. Data loss

Data loss is one of the most complex risks to predict, so taking steps to protect against it is vital. The most common types of data loss are:

Data alteration – when data is changed and cannot be reverted to the previous state.

Storage outage – access to data is lost due to issues with your cloud service provider.

Loss of authorisation – when information is inaccessible due to a lack of encryption keys or other credentials.

Data deletion – data is accidentally or purposefully erased, and no backups are available to restore information.

While regular back-ups will help avoid data loss, backing up large amounts of company data can be costly and complicated. Nonetheless, 304.7 million ransomware attacks were conducted globally in the first half of 2021, a 151% increase from the previous year.[3] With ransomware attacks surging, businesses can ill afford to avoid the need for regular data backups.

6. Malware

Malware can take many forms, including DoS (denial of service) attacks, hyperjacking, hypervisor infections, and exploiting live migration. Left undetected, malware can rapidly spread through your system and open doors to even more serious threats. That’s why multiple security layers are required to protect your environment.

7. Insider threats

While images of disgruntled employees may spring to mind, malicious intent is not the most common cause of insider threat security incidents. According to a report published in 2021, 56% of incidents were caused by negligent employees. [4]

Worryingly, the frequency of insider-led incidents is on the rise. The number of threats has jumped by 44% since 2020.[5] It’s also getting more expensive to tackle insider threat issues. Costs have risen from $11.45 million in 2020 to $15.38 million in 2022, a 34% increase. [6]

8. Compliance concerns

While some industries are more regulated, you’ll likely need to know where your data is stored, who has access to it, how it’s being processed, and what you’re doing to protect it. This can become more complicated in the cloud. Further, your cloud provider may be required to hold specific compliance credentials.

Failure to follow the regulations can result in substantial legal, financial and reputational repercussions. Therefore, it’s critical to handle your regulatory requirements, ensure good governance is in place, and keep your business compliant.

9. API Vulnerabilities

Cloud applications typically interact via APIs (application programming interfaces). However, insecure external APIs can provide a gateway, allowing threat actors to launch DoS attacks and code injections to access company data.

In 2020, Gartner predicted API attacks would become the most frequent attack vector by 2022. With a reported 681% growth of API attack traffic in 2021,[7] this prediction has already become a reality. Addressing API vulnerabilities will therefore be a chief priority for IT leaders in 2022 and beyond.

Check out our comprehensive guide to cloud security for more


[1] 64 Significant Cloud Computing Statistics for 2022: Usage, Adoption & Challenges
[2] Majority of UK firms say cyber threats are outpacing cloud security
[3] Ransomware attacks in 2021 have already surpassed last year
[4] – [6] Insider Threats Are (Still) on the Rise: 2022 Ponemon Report
[7] Attacks abusing programming APIs grew over 600% in 2021

The Top 6 Business Benefits of Cloud Adoption

The Top 6 Business Benefits of Cloud Adoption

Demand for cloud-based offerings has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the importance of flexibility and agility now being realised. Without adapting, businesses risk being left behind, but what are the benefits and how do you know if it’s the right solution for you?

In the first blog of our Cloud Security series, we explore the key advantages of cloud adoption.

1. Flexibility

Cloud infrastructure is the key to operational agility, allowing you to scale up or down to suit your bandwidth needs. The pay-as-you-go model offered by most cloud service providers (CSPs) also means that you pay for usage rather than a set monthly fee.

2. Reduced cost

Kind to your cash flow, cloud computing cuts out the high hardware cost. Not to mention the cost-savings of reduced resources, lower energy consumption, and fewer delays.

3. Disaster Recovery

From natural disasters to power outages and software bugs, if your data is backed up in the cloud, it is at a reduced risk of system failure as the servers are typically far from your office locations. You can recover data anywhere to minimise downtime by logging into the internet’s cloud storage portal.

4. Accessibility

We’ve all heard that the office is dead. Workers want the ability to work anytime, anywhere. With cloud (and an internet connection), they can.

5. Greater collaboration

Cloud infrastructure makes collaboration a simple process. The cloud can drastically improve workplace productivity, from online video calls to sharing files and co-authoring documents in real-time. These cloud-native applications are designed to make our lives more efficient through greater collaboration.

6. Strategic value

Ultimately, businesses that have adopted the cloud typically experience greater cost efficiencies, faster speed to market, and enhanced service levels. Adopting the cloud not only reimagines business models and builds resilience but also enables organisations to be agile and innovative, for example, adopt to DevOps methodologies which can prove to be an essential element for businesses looking to get ahead of their competitors.

But what about security? A 2020 survey reported that cloud security was the biggest challenge to cloud adoption for 83% of the business.[1] While the pandemic accelerated cloud adoption, rushed application and the resulting lacklustre security have only intensified security concerns as cybercriminals increasingly target cloud environments.

Check out our comprehensive guide to cloud security for more information.


[1] 64 Significant Cloud Computing Statistics for 2022: Usage, Adoption & Challenges

How to create a successful M&A IT integration strategy

How to create a successful M&A IT integration strategy

IT integration woman looking at laptopFrom entering new markets to growing market share, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) can bring big business benefits. However, making the decision to acquire or merge is the easy part of the process. What comes next is likely to bring disruption and difficulty. In research reported by the Harvard Business Review, the failure rate of acquisitions is astonishingly high – between 70 and 90 per cent – with integration issues often highlighted as the most likely cause.

While the impact of M&A affects every element of an organisation, the blending of technical assets and resulting patchwork of IT systems can present significant technical challenges for IT leaders. Here, we explore the most common problems and how to navigate them to achieve a smooth and successful IT transition.

Get the full picture

Mapping the route of your IT transition is crucial to keeping your team focused throughout the process. But you need to be clear about your starting point. That’s why conducting a census of the entire IT infrastructure – from hardware and software to network systems, as well as enterprise and corporate platforms – should be the first step in your IT transition.

Gather requirements & identify gaps

Knowing what you’ve got is the first step, knowing what you haven’t is the next. Technology underpins every element of your business, so you should examine each corporate function and business unit through an IT lens. What services impact each function? How will an integration impact them? What opportunities are there to optimise? Finding the answers to these questions will help you to identify and address your most glaring gaps.

Seize opportunities to modernise

M&A provide the opportunity for IT leaders to re-evaluate and update their environments, so it’s important to look at where you can modernise rather than merge. This will ensure you gain maximum value from the process. For example, shifting to cloud infrastructure can enable your in-house team to focus on performance optimisation whilst also achieving cost savings and enhanced security. Similarly, automating routine or manual tasks using AI or machine learning can ease the burden on overwhelmed IT teams.

Implement strong governance

If you’re fusing two IT departments, you need to embed good governance early on. Start by assessing your current GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) maturity. A holistic view will enable you to target gaps effectively and ensure greater transparency of your processes. In addition to bringing certainty and consistency across your team, taking this crucial step will also help you to tackle any compliance and security shortfalls that may result from merging with the acquired business.

Clean up your data

Managing data migration can be a complex process during a merger and acquisition. It’s likely that data will be scattered across various systems, services, and applications. Duplicate data may also be an issue. This makes it difficult to gain an updated single customer view, limiting your ability to track sales and marketing effectiveness. The lack of visibility can also have a negative impact on customer experience. For example, having two disparate CRM systems may result in two sales representatives contacting a single customer, causing frustration and portraying your organisation as disorganised. There’s also a significant financial and reputational risk if data from the merged business isn’t managed securely. With all this in mind, it’s clear that developing an effective strategy and management process should be a key step in planning your IT transition.

Lead with communication

Change can be scary, and uncertainty is the enemy of productivity. That’s why communication is key to a successful merger and acquisition. Ensuring a frequent flow of information can help to combat this. However, IT leaders should also be mindful of creating opportunities for employees to share ideas and concerns.

If you are merging two IT departments, it is important to understand the cultural differences of the two businesses and where issues may arise. This will help you to develop an effective strategy for bringing the two teams together. While championing collaboration and knowledge sharing will go a long way to helping you achieve the goal of the M&A process – a better, stronger, more cohesive business.

How we can help

From assessing your existing IT infrastructure to cloud migration, data management and driving efficiencies through automation, we can support you at every step of your IT transition.

Transitioning your IT following M&A? Contact our expert team today.

7 key things you need to know about the Telecoms (Security) Act

7 key things you need to know about the Telecoms (Security) Act

The introduction of The Telecommunications (Security) Act into UK law late last year marked the arrival of a new era of security for the telecommunications sector, where everyone – from executive to employee – is responsible for protecting the UK’s critical network infrastructure against cyber attacks.

However, embedding a security conscious culture from top to bottom requires significant resource and expertise to steer towards success. With the clock already counting down, telecommunications providers are under pressure to begin their TSR compliance journey whilst ensuring that existing change programmes stay on track. Here, we consider the key considerations for communications leaders to ensure successful navigation and utilisation of the obstacles and opportunities that lie ahead.

Clear visibility is critical

Protecting your network, applications and data has never been more critical. However, blind spots, missing data, and the risk of dropped packets make management and protection of these challenging, not to mention the scale and complexity of many providers’ hybrid network infrastructure. Nonetheless, providers must ensure they are able to monitor security across the entirety of their network and can act quickly when issues arise.

Security and service quality will need to be carefully balanced

Whilst enhancing security is the ultimate goal of the Act, this cannot be at the cost of network performance. Outages themselves can put providers in breach of the regulations.

Security scanners are a key line of defence for network security, helping to identify known vulnerabilities which can be exploited if the correct mitigation steps aren’t followed, so ensuring you have a robust vulnerability management process is critical. Incorporating the right vulnerability scanning tools and following the required change management processes to correctly implement tools will help to secure your network whilst minimising any potential performance impact to your existing infrastructure or service outages.

Auditing abilities are a new superpower

Demonstrating compliance with the new legislation may pose a significant challenge to providers, particularly as they attempt to flow down security standards and audit requirements into the supply chain. However, implementation of robust auditing processes to identify and eliminate weaknesses and vulnerabilities are a must for keeping providers on the right side of the regulations.

Knowledge is power

With any significant legislature change comes a period of uncertainty as businesses adapt to change, so getting to grips with the new regulation changes ahead of the game is key. Many providers have already begun the search for talent with the technical skills and experience to deliver their TSR programmes; however, with the jobs market at boiling point, some providers may find utilising external partnerships provides a more practical route to successful delivery as well as a means to upskill and educate internal teams.

You’ll be tested

In 2019, OFCOM took over TBEST – the intelligence-led penetration testing scheme – from DCMS and has been working with select providers on implementation of the scheme. Whether through TBEST or not, providers will be expected to carry out tests that are as close to ‘real life’ attacks as possible. The difficulty will be in satisfying the requirement that “the manner in which the tests are to be carried out is not made known to the persons involved in identifying and responding to security compromises.”[1] Providers may need to work with an independent vendor to ensure compliant testing.

Costs are still unclear

While the costs for complying with the new regulations are still undermined, an earlier impact assessment of the proposed legislation carried out by the government indicated that initial costs are likely to be hefty: “Feedback from bilateral discussions with Tier 1 operators have indicated that the costs of implementing the NCSC TSR would be significant. The scale of these costs is likely to differ by size of operator and could be of the scale of over £10 million in one off costs.”[2].

Culture may challenge change

Technology will, of course, be at the forefront of communications leaders’ minds, yet the cultural changes required to successfully embed a security-first mindset are of equal importance and must be considered in equal measure. Change is never easy, particularly when there is a fixed deadline in place; however, delivery that is well-designed and meticulously planned is key. Ultimately, the onus will be on leaders to craft a clear vision – achieving network security that is intrinsic by design – as well as mapping out the road to get there.

Looking for more information about TSR? Download The impact and opportunities of the Telecoms Security Requirements report.


[1] The Electronic Communications (Security Measures) Regulations 2021 [draft] 

[2] The Telecommunications Security Bill 2020: The Telecoms Security legislation 

How to spot a failing outsourced relationship

How to spot a failing outsourced relationship

A relationship breakdown is never easy, not least when it’s with your IT outsourcing partner. But what makes a seemingly good relationship go bad, and can you spot the signs of impending IT outsourcing failure before it’s too late? To get some insight from both sides of the relationship, we asked Backbone Connect Co-founder and Director, David McLeod, as well as our own CACI Network Services Sales Director, Liam Delaney, to share their outsourcing experiences, reveal the red flags to watch, and the secret to maintaining a successful relationship with an IT outsourcing partner. Here’s what they told us…

1. Communication has broken down

One of the earliest warning signs that your relationship with your IT outsourcing partner is flagging is that the frequency of your communication has dropped. “There’s always a honeymoon period with any new outsourcing relationship – the energy levels are high, and contact is constant,” explains David. “The issues arise when that contact becomes less routine and conversations turn forced and fractious,” he continues.

“Confusion about how a team should communicate with their outsourcing partner can also lead to protracted conversations and frustrations from both sides of the relationship if they’re not clearly defined at the outset,” says Liam. Further, changes over time can significantly contribute to communication barriers. “Through the duration of any long-term outsourcing relationship, team members leave, and a legacy starts to develop, which limits the potential of your outsourcing partnership,” says David. Liam agrees, “Whenever there’s a major personnel change on either side of the partnership, it’s time to review the service and make sure that it’s still meeting your needs.”

2. The vision has become (or already was) blurry

While both David and Liam agree that a successful IT outsourcing relationship is one that evolves over time, Liam highlights the necessity of starting the relationship with clear expectations. “You can’t outsource a problem that you can’t define,” he warns. “Outsourcing partnerships can bring a wealth of expertise and experience into your team as well as achieve cost savings, but you need to be clear on what success you’re looking to achieve.” If the goals aren’t clear, it can be difficult for an outsourcing provider to take effective action.

David also advocates working with outsourcing partners whose cultural values align with your business to ensure longevity in the relationship. “Your business’s culture is the one constant, unchangeable thing, so it should be one of the key measures you use when considering any potential outsourcing provider.” He adds, “Put simply, if you’re wearing t-shirts, and they arrive in business suits, you’re likely to have a problem.”

3. Fingers are being pointed

“When something goes wrong and blame is being thrown around, you stop being on the same team and your pathway forward becomes blocked,” says David. Liam agrees, “A good outsourcing provider is one that acts as an extension of your team, always looking to add value and deliver positive outcomes, especially when tackling an unexpected challenge.”

While it’s important to understand why a problem has occurred, both David and Liam agree that maintaining open, honest and constant communication can ensure both sides of an outsourcing relationship resolve conflicts and challenges together, although David notes that “when you seem to have a stream of issues, a stigma can become attached to the outside party, making it difficult for that partnership to continue effectively if it’s not addressed.”

Liam says that establishing a communications flow which facilitates continuous feedback is one way to avoid minor problems becoming bigger issues, although he also acknowledges the value in a proactive vendor – “At CACI, we’re always trying to anticipate our clients’ potential roadblocks and challenges, so we’re providing solutions before something becomes a problem.”

4. Your contract has become a constraint

A contract provides both parties in an outsourcing relationship the benefit of structure and protection, but it can become a barrier to progress when projects pivot in a new direction. Working with a vendor that can be flexible and offer an element of elasticity in their approach can help to avoid partners becoming stuck in a bind.

However, the size of an outsourcing provider can also impact on how agile a partner can afford to be, warns David. “Smaller organisations are typically more agile than bigger providers, but they can be highly volatile as they grow and evolve, which can lead to issues later. On the flip side, a very large outsourcing provider may not be able to offer the personal, value-add partnership that you’re looking for.”

Liam also advises that businesses pay attention to the finer details when firming up their outsourcing requirement. “It’s important to consider the unexpected and unusual use case scenarios. You can’t capture everything, but having awareness and alerting your vendor of the potential changes and challenges ahead means they can be prepared to act and adapt, preventing your project from coming to a standstill.”

5. You’re not growing together

“A clear sign that your outsourced relationship isn’t working is when you start to feel anchored,” says David. An outsourced relationship that continues to evolve and enhance your business as it grows is one that is truly valuable according to our experts. One way to form a relationship that adds long-term value is to select an outsourcing partner that has a wider capability offering. “I’m always thinking about the longevity of a relationship, looking beyond the initial requirement, and thinking about what else we can do to add value to our clients,” says Liam.

Nonetheless, capability isn’t the only thing to look out for. As Liam explains, having a future-focused mindset is also critical to a long-standing relationship. “I believe that the most successful partnerships are the ones where the provider brings both vision and value. They’re not just focused on what the client currently does, but they’re looking at what else they can be doing to improve.”

However, both our experts noted that, like any relationship, an outsourcing relationship requires investment and trust to realise its full potential. “It’s all about building and nurturing a partnership,” says Liam. David agrees and adds, “Trust is critical, and it’s not established overnight. Take the time to get the basics right – once you’ve got that with the right partner, you can achieve much bigger things.”

Looking for an outsourcing partner to help with your network operations? Contact our expert team today

3 network transformation opportunities – and how to make them happen

3 network transformation opportunities – and how to make them happen

Exploring network transformation opportunities

With digital transformation initiatives high on many organisations’ agendas and the impact of COVID-19 changing how most of us work forever, network transformation has never been more important.

And the truth is, there are a wide range of network transformation vendors to choose from. But most take a transactional approach to network transformation, delivering little value beyond the basic works carried out.

Rather than an “in and out” service, great network transformation relies on an end-to-end partnership-based approach, with your vendor working closely to understand all your requirements. It can also sometimes mean working across multiple lines of business and projects to deliver network transformation programmes at scale.

In working on multiple network transformation projects with one of our major transportation clients, there were some interesting opportunities we’d like to share. Here are three potential opportunities to be had by working with a network transformation specialist.

Opportunity #1 – Turn spare network capacity into additional revenue

For organisations with vast internal networks, there’s significant opportunity to commercially monetise spare capacity and offer greater flexibility to customers.

With a significant fibre network across its estate stretching tens of thousands of miles, our client realised that any spare capacity could be used for commercial applications to help generate additional revenue.

Using an end-to-end delivery process, we developed and launched a dark fibre service to help our client deliver connectivity as a service, in a way that was repeatable and efficient.

We kicked off the project by mapping out the client’s service lifecycle to identify any capability gaps. Once this was established, we brought together a selection of our client’s stakeholders virtually and ran interactive workshops to walk through draft processes, focusing on providing end customer service.

Following a successful service launch, several end customers now use our client’s services, with our client driving continuous improvements across the network. And we’re now working with our client to deploy the service across its wider network and develop a service model and approach for future deployments – allowing our client to develop its offering.

Opportunity #2 – Tackle customer complaints to strengthen relationships

In large organisations, it can often be a challenge to discover and resolve issues that directly impact customers. Following the regionalisation of our client’s legacy telecom assets, our client found that many of its asset managers were concerned about whether its legacy voice estate was fit for purpose.

Working with our client’s leadership team, we devised and managed a service improvement plan, which involved understanding the issues and what was needed to resolve them.

To help stakeholders mobilise the plan, we set up management reporting processes and acted as an intermediary between our client’s leadership and account management teams.

In just four weeks, we helped our client reach a resolution around its legacy voice estate, and moved the focus to other areas of concern – delivering improved service to our client’s regions.

Opportunity #3 – Dramatically reduce data centre costs

Outdated technology can be a significant drain on resources. And while it can be all too tempting to throw money and resources at the problem, this strategy can often cause more problems than it solves.

Our client had an ageing data centre infrastructure which was interfering with its ability to deliver a reliable service. What’s more, it was keen to ensure its mission-critical applications were always available. With its legacy technology approaching end of life and support, we recommended an infrastructure migration.

We worked closely with key stakeholders to create a test organisation at the start of the project to support the migration, helping our client build two new data centres with modern technology stacks.

Ensuring a thorough assurance process was used throughout to maintain regulatory compliance, we oversaw the design, implementation, and migration phases. And to confirm all programme deliverables were managed correctly, CACI developed a project management and testing platform using Jira and Zephyr.

By working closely with our client throughout the project, we helped the company save £40K and delivered the project two months ahead of schedule. Looking to the future, we’re now working with our client in an advisory role, helping it to shortlist an operating partner.

Network transformation: a world of opportunity

While network transformation opportunities can be wide-ranging and cover several lines of business, it’s important to select an outsourced vendor that also understands the importance of being a familiar point of contact.

Often embedded in clients’ teams for maximum impact, our end-to-end services allow our clients to benefit from a portfolio of skills and resources, helping them free up their teams to focus on more strategic activities.

To find out more about how we can help you design and implement network services – and even unite third party stakeholders – across your organisation, get in touch with our team of experts today.

7 signs that your company needs to outsource IT

7 signs that your company needs to outsource IT

From reducing costs to meeting tight project deadlines and accessing specialist expertise, there are many advantages that come with outsourcing IT, but when does outsourcing offer the most benefit to businesses? We asked Brian Robertson, Resource Manager at CACI, to reveal the common signs that indicate a business would be better with an outsourced IT solution.

1. Your IT costs are high

Are budget worries keeping you up at night? Cost control is the most obvious reasons for businesses outsourcing IT. Indeed, a 2020 study by Whitelane Research found that 71% of UK businesses said that cost reduction was the main driver for outsourcing IT. But, is outsourcing really cost-effective?

“Just having a couple of IT specialists on your payroll can really rack up costs,” says Brian. It’s not just high salaries and the cost of employee benefits that are a concern. Companies that opt to run in-house IT departments also face the costs of purchasing, maintaining, and upgrading hardware as well as purchasing the software they need. “With outsourcing, these fixed costs become flexible, allowing you greater control of your budget,” says Brian.

2. You have skills gaps

The severe shortage in tech skills has long been a challenge for businesses, but as Brian explains, “The pandemic put organisations across every industry on a fast-speed trajectory to digitalisation.” He adds, “now, the focus is to keep that momentum going, but we’re seeing that many of our clients are looking for very specific expertise in a fiercely competitive and increasingly expensive marketplace.”

With recent research by ManpowerGroup finding that 69%, of employers globally are struggling to find workers with the right blend of technical and interpersonal skills, it’s clear that many businesses are fighting a losing battle. “This is where working with a trusted IT outsourcing partner can prove to be a strategic move,” says Brian. “A good outsourcer will always assess their client’s requirements holistically – matching skills and experience as well as cultural fit with end goals.”

3. Your IT infrastructure is outdated

“IT infrastructure is a vital component in every business, but it can become a huge drain on productivity, not to mention a growing security risk if not invested in,” warns Brian. He adds, “However, upgrading an outdated infrastructure is a resource investment that many lean I.T departments can ill-afford, creating a stalemate situation that prevents a business from maintaining competitive advantage.”

Therefore, if a business is struggling to maintain and manage its day-to-day IT operations,  outsourcing may provide a practical solution. In addition to unlocking access to the latest and greatest tech, working with a reliable IT outsourcing partner will ensure your IT operations are optimised for enhanced performance, releasing your in-house staff to focus their efforts on achieving your business objectives.

4. Your business is vulnerable to security threats

Cyber security breaches are increasing. According to a survey released by GOV.UK last year, 46% of UK businesses and charities reported a cyber attack during the year, with 33% of those claiming they experienced a cyber breach at least once a week in 2020 – up from 22% in 2017.

The growing sophistication of cybercrime puts immense pressure on in-house teams as they struggle to stay on top of critical security practices such as 24/7 networking whilst also maintaining the myriad security systems they have in place. As Brian warns, “When it comes to cyber security, it’s not just a case of having the right technology in place, you need round-the-clock specialists that have the experience and expertise to utilise those tools and prevent potential threats before they become a problem.”

The global shortage in professionals with the right security skill sets are an additional challenge for businesses as they struggle to recruit and retain the specialists they need. Partnering with a trusted IT outsourcer can provide a cost-effective and reliable solution, as outsourcing removes vulnerabilities by ensuring a business’s security defences are ‘always on’.

5. Compliance is a concern

While cyber security is one concern, ensuring regulatory compliance is another, particularly in heavily regulated industries such as financial services. Failure to comply can lead to reputational damage and hefty fines, but to ensure compliance, organisations must have the capability to implement, maintain, monitor, and accurately report on IT infrastructure and security processes. As Brian explains, a partnership with a reliable IT outsourcer can offer significant value to a business that is under pressure to maintain compliance, “As well as providing the necessary resources and expertise to ensure compliance, an outsourcing partner will keep abreast of regulation changes, so your business is always one step ahead.”

6. You need flexibility

When you’re embarking on a new project, getting the right people with the right skill sets in place can be a difficult task. While upskilling your existing team members can be beneficial, inexperience coupled with a limited bandwidth can pose major risks to your project delivery as well as have a negative impact on your day-to-day operations. These problems are more acute if your delivery deadline is tight.

“Hiring new talent in-house is an option, but often it’s not the best one if a project is short-term or requires a range of specialist skill sets,” explains Brian. In these instances, partnering with an IT outsourcer can provide the most strategic, timely and cost-effective route forward because solutions are tailored to your specific needs. “Clients also gain from the insights and expertise of an experienced team – with the added benefit of elasticity to adapt if requirements change,” says Brian.

7. You need niche expertise

More budget-friendly than hiring a team of in-house specialists, and more reliable than challenging your existing team, outsourcing IT is often the most effective option when it comes to delivering projects that require niche expertise such as cyber security. Brian also highlights the benefit of introducing an outside perspective, “One of the most overlooked benefits of outsourcing is that businesses don’t just get access to specific skills and knowledge, they get to tap into a whole wealth of experience.”

“That’s why it’s so important to look for an IT outsourcing partner that has a proven record of proficiency and delivering results. Knowing what’s worked before, how to handle specific challenges, and what pitfalls to avoid –is truly invaluable to finding the solution that’s really going to work for your business.”

Looking for a reliable IT outsourcing partner? Share your requirements with our expert team today