Ready, set, go! Making change happen in the NHS data ecosystem

Ready, set, go! Making change happen in the NHS data ecosystem

Discover a proven and efficient approach to preparation and planning that paves the way to meaningful data transformation for NHS Trusts

It’s widely recognised in the NHS that harnessing data effectively holds the key to understanding and improving performance. When Trusts and ICS can gather and analyse a full and accurate range of patient and service data, they can better understand and anticipate patient needs and can shape service provision and manage capacity to enhance outcomes for patients.

The will is there to make this happen, amongst managers and clinicians. But the scale and complexity of NHS organisations and their data universe makes it difficult to make meaningful progress. Somehow, NHS leaders need to find a way to understand the dauntingly dense web of data, processes, requirements and systems in their Trust and form a workable plan of action that moves the entire organisation forward.

In your NHS organisation, some functions, datasets and systems may be highly evolved. You may regard them as an aspirational benchmark for the whole organisation. But in reality, rolling out this best practice consistently, within a fully connected data ecosystem, is daunting.

Working hands-on with NHS Trusts, the CACI Health Insights team has evolved an approach that empowers leaders to crystallise their current data reality and desired future state, so that pragmatic action planning is possible. We call this approach Ready, Set, Go. Structured preparation and discovery form a foundation for realistic planning and delivery of priority data effectiveness projects, ensuring synergy between projects and constant progression towards a single, system-wide goal.

The three stages of data transformation

1. Ready…

Readiness is the foundational phase of the approach. This means understanding and documenting current reality, then focusing on stakeholder engagement. Once stakeholders are on-side, you can work with them to define their requirements. Clearly setting out the planned benefits of change and (making sure that there are no unintended side-effects for other stakeholders) brings everyone to a clear vision of the desired future state. During the readiness phase, you’ll also establish standards and processes for quality assurance and governance.

2. Set…

Now that you understand the whole context and have determined the key projects to address, you can lay the foundations for data success by initiating transformation activities. It’s important to set timeframes and allocate resources across the entire transformation programme, so your delivery projects are realistically achievable in harmony rather than competing with each other. You may need to iterate the phasing so that the entire plan of discrete, connected projects is robust. Progressing at pace is key, so stakeholders can see and experience improvements at tangible milestones, but the schedule must be realistic, taking account of available internal and external staff with the right skills, and making sure that vital NHS activities are not hindered or disrupted.

3. Go…

As data transformation projects are completed, you move into a development phase. This means optimising data effectiveness by building the structures and outputs you need to extract ever-increasing benefit and insight for improved outcomes. Targeted learning and development sessions in all functions will enable data users to build their expertise in critical business practices. For ongoing management, you’ll need to use internal or external data experts in a cost-effective way, to maintain, optimise and continually enhance your data, so you can keep pace with new demands and opportunities to improve patient outcomes.

Stepping into the future of effective NHS data

The aspiration for every Trust is a single, complete data platform and analytics solution, providing accurate and consistently formatted data. Following the Ready, Set, Go approach, you can map a path towards seamless provision of historic, real-time and projected data. This will include strong and effective governance for sharing data securely, plus well controlled and monitored access to data for different users.

In the Readiness phase, mapping user requirements reveals the priorities with the greatest potential to transform efficiency and outcomes. In our experience, one of these is provision of self-service analytics and reporting tools that are both powerful and easy to use. By planning your data transformation project to deliver this, you can empower different people, teams and functions to create and tailor queries and reports, regularly and on demand. This cuts down reporting bottlenecks and reduces the pressure on under-resourced analyst teams.

When actionable reports can easily be tailored to the recipient and audience need and level of understanding, with meaningful visualisations and comparisons, you will be able to unlock the full, democratic power and impact of your data to inform strategic and clinical decision-making that improves your most vital NHS performance measures. Adopting the Ready, Set, Go approach can put this transformative outcome within your grasp.

Get the full picture with our Data Effectiveness white paper

For more context about the challenge of unlocking data effectiveness in NHS organisations, our white paper has further detail and examples of how our user-centred approach to defining data transformation priorities can work in practice. Download it free now.

If you’re ready to start a conversation about how our data effectiveness experience could help your organisation,  please get in touch with Susan Brooks in CACI’s NHS team.

Environment Agency to use CACI’s Cygnum solution to prepare for and respond to flooding and environmental incidents across England

Environment Agency to use CACI’s Cygnum solution to prepare for and respond to flooding and environmental incidents across England

CACI is delighted to announce that its Cygnum software will be used by the Environment Agency as a logistics planning tool to schedule its workforce and assets in the preparation of and response to incidents across England ranging from small pollution incidents to widespread flooding. Cygnum will support the Environment Agency in scheduling the 7,000 staff members who have an incident role. 

The Environment Agency has around 450 staff on duty 24/7 ready to respond to incidents. These roles cover specific or multiple geographical locations or are nationwide. In the event of larger incidents, the Environment Agency needs to scale up its response, with more people involved and   requiring the movement of people and equipment across the country to support them. The Cygnum solution will be used to plan both the duty roster of the workforce as well as the rostering of specific incidents as they occur. This will include managing the sharing of staff and equipment between teams where necessary.  

“We’re delighted that the Environment Agency has chosen our Cygnum solution as its logistics planning tool,” says Ollie Watson, group business development director at CACI. “We have extensive experience in delivering solutions for largescale workforce management requirements and the team is excited to be supporting the Environment Agency in achieving these important outcomes.” 

For more information on Cygnum and how it supports businesses, please visit:

A practical approach to solving the NHS data conundrum

A practical approach to solving the NHS data conundrum

To understand why your NHS organisation is data-rich but insight-poor, you need a system-wide perspective as a basis for structured change

The potential of NHS data is exciting. It’s also accessible – there are proven examples of effective and constructive data use that provide valuable reporting and insight for clinical service development. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

NHS leaders know that NHS data within and outside their organisation is infinite, complex and continually collected. It’s very powerful when it’s analysed effectively, so the insight can be channelled to the right person in a way that they can understand and use. However, for the most part, this doesn’t happen enough.

Managers and analysts work hard every day to try and generate the insight that’s so desperately needed. They’re typically thwarted by scarce resources, time, understanding, technology and specialist skill. There’s often a lack of consistency, momentum and sponsorship across the system and organisation.

This holds back ICS, Trusts, teams and individuals from delivering the best service to patients and optimising their strategy, resources and operational plans.

NHS leaders know that they need to crack the data conundrum, but it’s a tall order without taking focus away from daily priorities

In such a complex and busy environment, it’s hard for any individual to grasp the system-wide position. There’s rarely time or opportunity to step back to survey the scene across an organisation or connected entities.

As external CACI healthcare consultants, we have a privileged viewpoint, because we work with a range of NHS Trusts and can identify common challenges, barriers and imperatives. By applying this insight, we help NHS leaders access a system-wide perspective that can make a big difference in achieving their data effectiveness goals.

Current challenges for NHS data

  • There’s a massive volume of complex, constantly changing data
  • It’s held in many data sources and repositories
  • There are many users with diverse requirements
  • These users have widely different levels of data literacy and expertise
  • Trusts rely on a mix of modern and legacy systems and tools
  • Some departments have enjoyed greater investment than others
  • There are crucial governance issues, including patient privacy and data security

Identifying these top-line issues and how they are affecting service planning and delivery in your unique organisation is a key first step. There’s a clear need to approach the problem holistically. But squeezed budgets, limited resources and a lack of time stand in the way of major, system-wide projects. Everyone in the tightly stretched NHS is busy dealing with current workload already. There’s no appetite for launching an amorphous, resource-hungry transformation programme. Trusts need a structured, thorough and efficient approach to identify issues in a finite timeframe.

A practical approach to inclusive, system-wide data effectiveness

Traditionally, data transformation tends to mean adopting new products or technologies. The problem is that they only offer a tactical solution to one small part of the overarching data problem. Worse, they can sometimes aggravate issues in other parts of the system.

We observe that data architecture is at the core of system inadequacies for many NHS Trusts. Data feeds and flows are poorly constructed and insufficiently flexible to meet the diverse needs of those who work with data and need the insights generated from it.

Addressing the data challenge from a user perspective

Delivering effective data solutions and tools relies on a clear understanding of what users really need from the data. We have identified three communities with distinct requirements:

Executives and leaders who demand trusted insight and high-level views of data. They work with KPI scorecards and look for drill-down access to data from individual divisions, programmes and patients, so they can explore strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and anomalies in performance by understanding the data behind them. They need current, historic and comparative data views.

Clinical leaders who need real-time and trend insight to help them predict demand for services. They need detailed waiting list information and data tracking that can drill down to programmes, wards and treatment functions so they can understand and assess demand and response. They use this to optimise day-to-day activities as well as in planning future service developments.

Analysts responsible for tailored and specific report generation across different periods. They want the capability to select data for specific organisations and to deliver data in different formats and channels to meet the different requirements of their users. Their productivity and output depend on detailed, centralised data that’s accurate and easy to work with.

To unlock the potential of your data you need to engage with all senior stakeholders, including clinicians, to understand their priorities and how they are currently using data in practice. Finding the resources and capability needed to take an objective look can be challenging. Some Trusts have engaged us to deliver a short, consultative engagement to provide a clear overview, without committing to excessive spend or investment in products.

Get the full picture with our Data Effectiveness white paper

We’ve pulled together the key points of our approach in this blog, but if you have time for a longer read, our white paper has more detail and examples of how the user-centred approach to defining data transformation priorities can work in practice. Download it free now.

If you’re ready to start a conversation about how our data effectiveness experience could help your organisation please get in touch with Susan Brooks in CACI’s NHS team.

Scheduling – getting the most from workforce management in the transport industry

Scheduling – getting the most from workforce management in the transport industry

Having the right people in the right place at the right time sounds easy. In largescale transport organisation, effective scheduling is crucial

At the heart of workforce management sits the simple sounding task of scheduling. Your organisation has shifts to fulfil and a pool of workers to fulfil them. Add staff to the rota and away you go. Such shift patterns can be sacrosanct across organisations of any size, providing clarity to workers, management and administrators alike. In largescale transport organisations, however, there are several moving parts to consider and shift patterns can be thrown off course by anything from weather to equipment failure and cancellations in the supply chain.

This blog aims to take a closer look at scheduling in transport organisations. It’s a topic we’ve covered in greater detail in our recent white paper, Tackling workforce management complexities in transport. If you would like to explore the topic in greater detail, you can download a free copy here.

There are myriad tasks that need completing across the transport industry. The complication introduced to the scheduling process often requires a lot of manual work by administrators and schedulers. People fall ill, take holidays and external events can throw a schedule completely off kilter.

Automation in workforce management

Automation of scheduling can greatly reduce the administrative burden. At its most prosaic, automation can simply assign workers to shifts in advance. This can be set out indefinitely, with new workers swapped in for departing/unavailable members of staff easily. Such a process can consider your bespoke business rules and any other factors such as the working time directive and fatigue management.

Where automation can lend a vital hand is in times of strain. We’ve seen examples, notably during the Covid pandemic, of vast swathes of a workforce being absent at once. Where a manual process exists, this resulted in inevitable cancellations of services. With carefully configured automation, it is possible to be more agile in the face of disruption.

Where a worker is absent, having a central system and a central view of your entire workforce enables swift consideration of replacements. This works for smaller examples, too. For example, if a train is delayed and members of crew onboard it are required to meet another service which they will now miss, how can this be handled?

An automated process enables identification of other members of staff who are nearby and can be reassigned, whilst at the same time handling all communications with staff members. The staff who have been delayed can then be reassigned to other tasks, ensuring that their shift isn’t wasted.

Variable demand and moving parts

Another factor to consider in the transport industry is variable demand and moving parts. A high level example of this is the change in train timetables during the Christmas period. Fewer customers means less demand for services, therefore, services can be reduced to ensure more efficient use of the network and staff time.

A more short-term example of this is in shipping. Where a port is expecting a shipment, staff need to be prepared to meet it to initiate the unloading and loading of it. Variation is frequent in such a scenario, since ships can be diverted at a moment’s notice to other ports due to factors such as storms. Another example would be the blockage of the Suez Canal. This can leave a port with a full roster of staff without a function to fulfil. This is a waste of time, money and staffing resources.

Mapping out the changes caused by variable demand in a central system can help to understand its implications. Factors such as cost can be calculated and your response to it can be better informed. Understanding where the risks of variable demand are most likely to occur can help mitigate its impact.

Another example is with revenue protection officers on trains. Understanding the demand for services helps to better utilise them. There’s little point, for example, scheduling ticket inspectors during rush hour to major stations, since moving through the train is all but impossible. Similarly, there are more likely to be barriers at major stations, so working out the best deployment of such staff is more likely to realise the ultimate aim of their work.

Overlaying tasks onto shifts

Establishing a schedule is one thing. Rosters can be worked out well in advance and communicated to staff. But what happens when they show up on the day? Often the set number of employees turn up and discover the specifics of their tasks at that point.

Utilising a workforce management system such as Cygnum helps organisations to understand the specifics of the tasks that need be fulfilled during a shift. This helps organisations to better prepare aspects such as equipment required, time needed to complete the task and where exactly they need to be.

This helps to drive better understanding and efficiency through shifts and tasks. Matching specific skills and experiences to not only shifts, but also tasks, better ensures that the right people are performing the right tasks.


Scheduling can be a complicated and nuanced process, especially across largescale organisations. With several moving parts, variable demand, unpredictable disruptions and the usual ebb and flow of workforce absences, managing the process can be extremely complicated. This can result in inefficiency and poor service delivery.

Introducing automation, clear communication and overlaying tasks onto shifts helps to better understand your workforce the tasks required of them and more accurately assign staff to tasks based on their skills, experience, training, availability and geographic location.

This is a topic that we’ve explored in greater detail in our recent white paper, which you can download freely here. Alternatively, if you would like more information on how Cygnum can help you with your workforce management requirements, please visit our website.

Appeals and school admissions: how to handle them efficiently

Appeals and school admissions: how to handle them efficiently

Appeals are an inevitable part of the school admissions process. How can they be effectively and efficiently handled to make the process easy and fair?

Effective and efficient handling of the school admissions process is essential to achieving the goal of a fair and transparent process for all. In this blog, we will look at the appeals process. Appeals are an inevitability. Every admissions authority will have to deal with them every year. In our last blog we looked at oversubscription criteria. They go hand-in-hand with appeals, since they are only required when more applications are received than there are school places available. Evidencing them, and how they’ve been adhered to, is essential to a fair and transparent appeals process.

The central tenets of the appeals process are twofold. Firstly, every parent has the right to appeal a place on behalf of their children. Secondly, the process must be fair and transparent. As we discussed previously, oversubscription criteria must be publicly available and their bespoke ordering by authority laid out.

The appeals process becomes a possibility when the authority rejects a child’s application. In rejecting it, the authority must:

  • Make clear the reasons why the application was rejected
  • Inform the parent of their right to appeal
  • State the deadline for submitting any appeal
  • Provide the necessary details to make any appeal
  • Inform the parent that they must set out their grounds for appeal

The report for the 2022/23 school year shows that there were 53,086 appeals; 38,186 for secondary school applications and 14,900 for primary schools. This that means that 3.5% of applications are appealed by parents. So, how can the process be handled fairly and transparently?

Efficient processing of appeals in the school admissions process

The School Admissions Code lays out that authorities must establish a panel to hear appeals. Where appeals are heard by a panel, the decision is binding; the school must either admit the child or the application is confirmed as rejected.

In the 2022/23 school year, 19.8% of appeals were successful. This shows that authorities are getting the majority of rejections right. Yet, mistakes do happen.

Technology can play a fundamental role in fair provision and oversight of the admissions process. Where a place has been rejected, for example, because a family resides outside of the catchment area, being able to show the working on this is essential. In a manual process, this means revisiting how the decision was reached. Linking to a geo-mapping application provides robust evidence in an instant.

Other criteria, such as faith, can quickly be evidenced, too. Where a parent hasn’t submitted relevant supporting documentation to evidence their child is of the same faith of the school, the authority can quickly demonstrate that other applications were accepted as a result of this.

Making the process easy for parents is paramount, too. With a parent portal, applications and appeals can be made easily and recorded against the child’s record simultaneously. This further helps with timelines, since any appeals process can be withdrawn after the established date for their submission has passed.

If a panel is convened to hear an appeal, they too can have easy access in one place to the process, the rejection and the grounds for appeal. This helps them to make better informed, fairer decisions.


Nothing can prevent appeals from happening. As the statistics show, they are a prevalent part of the school admission process. Rather, authorities need to be in the best possible position to respond to them.

Where the end-to-end process is handled in a central system, it makes evidence gathering, communications and reaching fair and transparent decisions much more straightforward. Messages and outcomes can be submitted and received via a central portal. This means that parents receive information instantly and can appeal via the same method.

Appeals are to be expected, so being in position to administer them is crucial. They are a central part of the overarching school admissions process. Having a system in place, linked to admissions and oversubscription criteria, helps to make the task of implanting a fair and transparent process much easier for everyone. If the system is simpler for schools and authorities, it will be for parents, too.

The technology exists now to make the admissions process easier to administer, as well as fairer and more transparent for children and their families.

This is a topic that we’ve covered in greater detail, examining the entire admissions process, in our recent white paper, A fair school admissions process for all. You can download a free copy here.

Managing oversubscription criteria in the school admissions process

Managing oversubscription criteria in the school admissions process

When an admissions authority receives more applications for a school than it has spaces available, it must order the provision of places according to its oversubscription criteria. These rules can be bespoke to each admissions authority. The criteria must be transparent and easy to understand, with a public outlining of the criteria available. So, how can this process be handled fairly and transparently?

Admissions arrangements must be in line with the School Admissions Code. “The purpose of this code is to ensure that all school places for maintained schools and academies are allocated and offered in an open and fair way.” The code has the force of law.

Exceptions to oversubscription criteria

There are exceptions to whom oversubscription criteria do not apply. Children with identified special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who have an education health and care plan (EHCP) which specifically names a school, must be offered a place.

Once they have been offered a place, the highest priority must then be given to looked after children and previously looked after children.

Having a record of any EHCP or child looked after status in the authority’s system already makes it easy for admissions teams to validate the status of such an application. A joined-up approach is essential for handling applications fairly and transparently. A robust evidence base also makes handling appeals much easier.

Once EHCPs and children looked after have been allocated places, the rest of the applicants must be sorted through. In the easiest case scenario, there will be fewer applications than there are available place and, simply, they must all be offered a place.

Setting out your oversubscription criteria

Every admissions authority must set out its arrangements against which school places are allocated in the event of oversubscription. Each authority can define and order the criteria in their own way. There is no prescribed ordering of criteria, or even which criteria must be included.

The following is an inexhaustive and unindicative list of oversubscription criteria:

  • Siblings: It may sound obvious, but the authority must outline its interpretation of the term ‘sibling’. This is to cover step-siblings and adoptions. Linking family records in a central system makes defining and implementing the interpretation straightforward.
  • Catchment area: These must be designed by the authority to be reasonable and clearly defined. Linking this to digital mapping solutions can further help define a catchment in a system by considering factors such walking time to a school.
  • Feeder schools: These must be nominated by the authority and clearly defined. Linking records in a central system helps determine this, since obtaining current school attended information is easy.
  • Social and medical records: Authorities must clearly set out how social and medical records will be used in this context. Enabling parents to submit any records as part of their initial application makes the process easier for everyone.
  • Ability or aptitude: Any such requirements must be publicly available. Only grammar schools can base their entire intake based upon this.
  • Faith schools: Enabling parents to submit supporting documentation at the point of application makes determining this much easier for everyone. Where faith schools are undersubscribed, places must be offered to all applicants regardless of faith.
  • Children of staff: The School Admissions Code states that this applies to children of staff who have been working at the school for two or more years, or where the staff member has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. Linking records again helps to make determining this easier.


Oversubscription criteria are essential to a fair and transparent admissions process. Where places are appealed, a robust set of protocols also helps to argue the admission authority’s decisions.

It is also a process that can be automated. Where complete information on a child is held in an authority’s education management information system, all relevant information can be submitted by parents, schools and professionals, recorded against the child and considered when oversubscriptions criteria are called upon in the school admissions process.

This makes collecting evidence for appeals much more straightforward. No more manually trawling through records, aspects such as catchment areas can simply be called upon and put forward to an appeals panel.

It also makes determining admissions based on the bespoke criteria of the admissions authority much easier. To use catchment area as an example again, linking to mapping tools makes determining distance from a school incredibly straightforward. The decision can then be logged in the central system, with no need to resort to spreadsheets and physical copies of children’s records and the outcomes of their admissions.

The technology exists now to make the admissions process easier to administer, as well as fairer and more transparent for children and their families.

This is a topic that we’ve covered in greater detail, examining the entire admissions process, in our recent white paper, A fair school admissions process for all. You can download a free copy here.

Reducing risk in the transport industry through workforce management

Reducing risk in the transport industry through workforce management

Reducing risk entails several factors. Most pertinently, worker safety. Rules and regulations exist to protect workers, from health and safety directives to working time directives, covering working conditions to fatigue. Then there’s risk to projects and tasks. If they are done improperly, then tasks need to be redone. This impacts overarching projects, both in terms of time and cost. Of course, accidents and mistakes happen. Building in mitigation for such events is prudent. But what if you can identify patterns and head off errors before they happen? Competency management, as part of a robust workforce management process, can help.

Workforce management – training 

Training management is essential across largescale workforces. From mandatory ongoing courses, refresher courses and training staff in new skills to upskill your workforce and offer career progression, having a robust training programme in place forms the backbone of this. 

By linking training to other areas of your workforce management, such as assessments and scheduling, it makes it possible to identify skills gaps across your workforce. To reduce the risk of these gaps impacting upon project and service delivery, you can appropriately train existing members of staff to fill these gaps.  

It also makes it possible to utilise your training programme to focus on specific areas and tasks where mistakes are occurring. By pooling data from accidents and assessments, you can identify repeat errors. In doing so, you can then tailor your approach to training to better prepare staff for areas in which, statistically, they are most likely to pose a risk to themselves and overarching projects. 

Workforce management – assessments 

Knowing that staff have the appropriate qualifications, skills, training and experience is one thing. But how are they actually fulfilling the tasks to which they have been assigned? Regular, ongoing assessments of your workforce are crucial. This is both from a safety and a service delivery perspective.  

From a safety perspective, many roles within the transport industry pose a safety risk. From infrastructure workers to drivers, the risk of getting things wrong can be catastrophic. It’s prudent to check in to ensure that tasks are being conducted properly. 

From a service delivery perspective, mistakes can result in shoddy work. This means that it needs to be redone, which costs time and money, impacting upon project timelines and budgets.  

This extends to maintenance, too. We regularly see on the rail network, for example, things such as signal failures which result in delays and cancellations. Regular assessments of infrastructure are vital to repairing the roof whilst the sun is shining.  

Reducing risk in the transport industry through workforce management

Overarching planning to manage risk 

Proper, robust planning builds in sufficient time to complete tasks, with enough room for reasonable error. People make mistakes, external factors such as the weather can waylay you and where there are several moving parts. Things don’t always come together as you’d hope. Mitigating for this by building it into your planning is sensible. 

When it comes to specific tasks, however, granular detail is important. When scheduling your workforce, workers can be assigned to shifts on a rolling basis ad infinitum. But how can the specifics and the complexity of each shift and its tasks be considered? How can these then be communicated with staff? 

Using a central system with the ability to overlay such complexity onto shifts can drive efficiency and greater control of the overarching project and its processes. It can be established according to your bespoke business rules and configured to factor in elements such as regulations and directives. 

Understanding what will happen during a shift is important. If maintenance needs to be performed, being able to communicate exactly what equipment is required, the nature of the task and the location helps to prepare people. As the process continues, being able to intelligently alter task timelines based upon previous completion times and rates enables a more accurate scheduling of tasks. If, for example, you have set aside three hours for the completion of a task but staff are regularly completing it in two hours, then future timelines can be adjusted accordingly. 

This helps to drive a more complete understanding of your projects and how your staff are performing against timelines and tasks. This in turn helps to mitigate the risk of work running over time, since you can rely on a robust database of previous work to inform future projects.  


Finally, the regulatory aspect is crucial. Things such as the working time directive exist to combat elements such as fatigue. A central database that can further call upon the geographic location of staff can help to more efficiently assign them to tasks. If someone is 20mins away from the location of a task, it makes more sense to assign them to it than someone 1hr away. Since travelling time is considered as a factor in fatigue management, it’s an extremely inefficient use of time to swallow it up on travelling times. 

Managing risk extends across the entirety of the transport industry, from workforce safety to service delivery. With so many moving parts – risks – being able to navigate them and efficiently and reliably match those moving parts to your targets is essential to achieving the ultimate goals of your organisation. A well trained, regularly assessed and robustly scheduled workforce forms the backbone of this.  

The technology exists to help largescale transport organisations to gain greater control of their workforce management. From training and assessments to scheduling, having a single view of your workforce facilitates automation, insight and, ultimately, efficiency. It’s a topic we’ve explored in more detail in our recent white paper, Tackling workforce management complexities in transport. You can download your free copy here.

Why changing your costing solution is essential for improvement

Why changing your costing solution is essential for improvement

Every NHS organisation has a costing system. However, not all costing systems can keep up with the changing demands and increased digitalisation required from organisations to continue delivering exceptional patient level costing outcomes.  

In our previous blog on the future of costing, we explored how ICBs can effectively prepare for upcoming costing changes and how they can cut costs no matter their level of digital maturity or data comprehension. Today, we’ll uncover why now is the time to change your costing solution with the help of CACI and the benefits of doing so. 

So, is it time to share your PLICS data? Does your costing system give you the opportunity to share patient level costing information and data analytics that will help you make the best decisions both now and in the future? 

Why our costing solution, Synergy, is different

Synergy, CACI’s patient level information costing solution (PLICS), is uniquely designed for the NHS and transforms costing teams’ capabilities by: 

  • Freeing up valuable time to analyse crucial results. Synergy ensures the NHS costing process is streamlined by enabling cost allocation, review and visualisation at patient level easily.  
  • Keeping you in control of improving patient outcomes. With Synergy, your organisation will gain more control over your data and costing model and augment your understanding of the patient pathway and costs in your organisation.  
  • Increasing self-sufficiency. Synergy comes with a user-friendly system that is easy for all levels within your costing team to use, promoting self-sufficiency.  
  • Empowering stakeholder & ICS member collaboration through enhanced data sharing and revolutionised decision-making. Your organisation will gain access to class leading analytics that are produced by our in-house experts to promote benchmarking and streamline data sharing to ensure your costing team meets deadlines on time and on budget. 
  • Redefining data reporting and sharing capabilities through distinct architecture. Synergy is a one-of-a-kind costing solution with its composition including a Data Mart layer, setting itself apart from traditional costing solutions by supplying users with total access to all of the data within their costing system and boundless data sharing both within the organisation and to external partners. 

Why it’s time to change your costing solution to Synergy

Transitioning from your costing solution to Synergy is simple. No IT skills are needed for set-up, and it can be easily and securely deployed in an HSCN connected data centre within a matter of weeks. You will be part of a highly engaged user community that meet regularly to share best practices and insights on product development. 

How CACI can help you migrate costing solutions

CACI works with costing teams across the UK to help them gain a deeper understanding of their patient pathways and costs and make decisions that improve patient outcomes. If you’d like to find out more about changing your costing solution to Synergy, please contact one of our experts, Susan Brooks 

Read the first blog in our future of costing series here 

CACI and ChildView – committed to youth justice

CACI and ChildView – committed to youth justice

The youth justice domain never stands still. As we create more data and more incisive ways to record and interpret practice and outcomes, we increasingly discover new patterns. These patterns are put to use in achieving our ultimate aim: improved outcomes for the most vulnerable children in our society. Where we can identify unmet needs earlier, we can enable prevention rather than reaction. Where we can know what is not working as well as evaluate what works, we can enact flexible options sooner, when and where they are needed. In depth data mapping of demand and responses is a vital support to frontline youth justice services. Such information has the power to show long-term socio-economic impact. This requires continuous improvements in the application of relevant research and tools and is why CACI remains fully committed to the domain. 

CACI’s ChildView software has been the system of choice for youth justice teams across England and Wales for over 25 years. ChildView supports the entire country of Wales and more than 65% of England’s youth justice teams. We understand for several years it has been a challenging time in the domain; budgets have reduced, skilled staff have been hard to retain, populations are expanding and the cost of living crisis is only serving to exacerbate social issues and stress which leads to avoidable vulnerability exposing children to harm. 

There’s much talk of efficiency, but efficacy is arguably more important. We are committed to continuous development of ChildView to demonstrate effective and efficient use of resources. However, as the largest and only specialist supplier we can uniquely focus on the YOS partnership to provide tools to generate whole system insights and enable collaborative innovation at a local and regional level. ChildView’s ongoing future roadmap focusses on reduced effort to create deeper insights about making a local difference at its core. We have been around for a long time and we intend to build on our unique know how for a lot longer yet. 

That’s why we will work more closely with our customers at a regional level as well as the Youth Justice Board (YJB). We will ensure that ChildView provides compliance with YJB standards by actively helping with implementation in the majority of YOSs and to make ongoing changes to achieve the aims of the YJB. Unique ChildView full case data exchange between CACI systems makes it easier, quicker and more secure to share whole child journey data on young people. This means that rich practice records are shared in a consistent fashion to promote ongoing engagement to reduce risk and build resilience. It helps to ensure continuity and ongoing engagement as young people move between different services and localities, too. 

Behind compliance and reporting, however, we understand partnerships and practitioners are working with real life stories, not just data points. Every young person has their own story and their own context. Understanding this is vital to engaging and making a difference to their outcomes. 

Being able to record often complex and nuanced information on a child at several levels is essential. With multi-agency touchpoints, bringing all of this together into single, relevant dynamic views of the child helps make many more accurate decisions quickly to efficiently navigate multi agency scenarios. This can help to reduce noise and effort through uncertainty and unknowns as well as reduce duplication and questions to appreciate the battles with systemic trauma and trust in the services intending to engage positively with children and young people. 

“Childview has been crucial in all of this in providing the opportunity to capture and analyse significant amounts of data on the different cohorts of children covered under the different strands of Milton Keynes’s Early Support Project,” says Diz Minnitt, head of youth justice and service support at Milton Keynes. “Further, Childview uniquely allows life event characteristics such as undiagnosed speech, language and communication needs, trauma and ACEs to be captured and used to add value to the analysis. This enables us to create rich sub-sets of our prevention data and thoroughly learn about what impact we are having and what is working. We can look at the numbers and the work we are doing that makes a difference.” 

Creating such tangible insights drives us forwards. We are fully committed to supporting the future  of youth justice and developing multi-agency partnerships in the vital work that you do and its outcomes for our society. We offer a unique team comprised of ex-service professionals who carry  your and their passion for this uniquely challenging specialist work. 

Unmet needs and data driven decisions: how Milton Keynes uses technology to support vulnerable young people

Unmet needs and data driven decisions: how Milton Keynes uses technology to support vulnerable young people

In the first part of our case study with Milton Keynes Youth Offending Team we explored how the team uses ChildView. We examined how the system supports the team’s administrative functions such as reporting, and how the YOT is supported by CACI. In this, the second part of the case study, we sat down with Diz Minnitt, head of youth justice and support service at Milton Keynes, to look at the benefits ChildView has brought to the council outside of its office walls. How does ChildView support work with vulnerable young people in a rapidly expanding population? What tangible difference does flexible reporting bring to the YOT? How does technology help to join the dots in each young person’s journey to provide a single view of them, helping to improve outcomes and reduce elements such as reoffending? How can systems support in identifying more unmet earlier, to help with prevention?

We start by taking a broader perspective on the multi-agency approach within Milton Keynes. The MK Together Safeguarding Partnership brings together senior leaders from key agencies in Milton Keynes to agree ways to co-ordinate local safeguarding services, act as a strategic leadership group in supporting and engaging others and implement local and national learning, including from serious child safeguarding incidents. It has created an improvement in communication and accountability with the right people routinely updated.

“Working within this context has provided an opportunity for us to advocate on the part of people and families that the local authorities are working with,” begins Diz. “These are very vulnerable people and families; children in care, children in need and youth with unmet needs who are in the criminal justice system. We’re really starting to realise the importance of unmet needs and increasing our understanding of what stronger partnership working can achieve.”

Unmet needs – speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)

Following research and partnership work with the Association of Youth Offending Team Managers AYM in 2016, Diz told us about his original focus on identifying speech and language needs and developing what the YOS could do to help. “Following professor Karen Bryan’s original study in 2007, which identified 60% of children in contact with YOTs as having speech, language and communication needs, in 2008 we undertook our own four-month study with a speech and language therapist.

“We focused the assessments on key sub-groups in the service, those with repeat offending, disrupted education history or no education provision and those with suspected SEND (special educational needs and disabilities), and what we found was that 88% of these groups had significant SLCN – significantly higher than professor Bryan’s 60%.

“This was much closer to Prof Bryan’s figure of 60-90% for young people in custody, but what it highlighted was that there was a majority of those in contact with the service who had undiagnosed SLCN. Furthermore, these needs are very difficult to spot without a full assessment and hence are often referred to as hidden disabilities.

“Having effectively tested and proved the findings of professor Bryan’s academic study as a local reality in the high risk groups, particularly among young people who are repeat offenders, it was clear to me that such crucial unmet needs should inform youth justice and prevention practice across the entire system. Communication and the understanding that comes from this is key to thinking, processing, anticipating and understanding consequences. If we carried on as if children automatically have these skills, when it was clear they don’t, this was a recipe for failure carrying consequences for these children and for the rest of society.”

Connecting multiple agencies and teams

“It’s essential to reflect the importance of interconnection to this, too,” says Diz. “Most organisations, even those within the same local authority, frequently operate in siloes. They focus and prioritise the work that they need to do, that applies directly to them. However, achieving shared applied learning across the whole system to real life situations is the real world challenge and ultimately helps in achieving the goal of improving outcomes for vulnerable children.

“For example, it’s very clear that there’s an increased chance of a child with unmet needs entering the youth justice system. With the right focus this risk can be significantly reduced. Where people do not take a holistic view of this known risk, opportunities get missed and all professionals and departments don’t get the benefit from the insights and feedback that come from identification.”

Funding new projects, finding evidence

“For a new prevention project, you can only get funding once there’s a proof of concept,” explains Diz. “The SEND team at Milton Keynes initially picked up the bill for the speech and language therapy provision after the initial four-month funded period as they could see the benefits it would bring. Further funding for speech and language therapists was then obtained from NHS England, the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Home Office and most recently as part of Turnaround funding.

“This has consistently increased our screening and assessment capacity, meaning that we could identify SLCN earlier and can now clearly evidence that 88% of children and young people in contact with the service have SLCN. Milton Keynes is now one of a handful of youth justice services in the UK with speech and language therapists (SLTs) embedded in the team where an SLCN assessment is conducted by an SLT with every child.

“These assessments enable all of those professionals working with the child and their family to have greater insight, providing real opportunities for coherent, coordinated working with the child’s needs at the forefront.

“This complements the wider SEND focus and the understanding of needs arising from adverse childhood experiences amongst children across Milton Keynes. It also helps us to target interconnection with other parts of Milton Keynes’s services.”

“Like many Youth Offending Services we were in a position where we could see the impact as other services were cut due to the impact of austerity measures around funding. We had already begun to see the benefit of SLCN assessments and we had the evidence that children coming into the YJ system weren’t having their needs identified prior to contact with the YOT.

“As SEND support to schools started to be charged for we could see a nightmare scenario with the levels of children with previously unrecognised and unmet needs increasing as a direct consequence of schools being forced to make challenging decisions about how they use their reducing resources.

“To seek to counteract this predicted increase we started working with both secondary and primary schools offering SLCN assessments for their children who were at greatest risk of exclusion. With these assessments we discovered that 96% of those that schools had considered excluding have SLCN, confirming the ‘hidden disability’ impact of SLCN.

Promoting Reintegration Reducing Exclusion

“As well as providing free assessments to the schools, we also provided free specialist training around how to work effectively with children with SLCN and a host of other associated SEND needs. This removed a barrier as schools were no longer having to justify difficult choices with their budgets and enabled schools to develop better ways to support individual children and to adapt the whole school environment to enable swifter identification and support for those children with SLCN.

“This approach also supported a more compassionate way of thinking regarding challenging behaviour as we stress that, supported by the evidence, behaviour is an indicator of underlying causes that needs to be explored and understood.

“We have connected with different organisations to establish and evidence the research links and we saw more interconnects and overlaps with ACEs and SLCN. SLCN is not the only need, but its identification is frequently indicative of other symptoms of complex underlying needs. Identifying SLCN can trigger the process of further investigation.

“This overall approach is based upon our increasing knowledge of the needs that ultimately result in children finding themselves in the youth justice system. We can see clearly when this journey starts to arise and by definition the more we can go up these known tributaries to identify and meet needs earlier the more we can prevent children from being excluded from school, moved into alternative education or placed on part time timetables, finding themselves exploited or involved in offending behaviour.

“We need to use all of the information available to intelligently adapt the system collectively to identify and meet needs earlier. These children do not have the luxury of pausing, rewinding and replaying their lives if we collectively as professionals get it wrong or lack diligence and professional curiosity in our approach.”

“Childview has proved essential in enabling us to capture and extract the data needed for the evaluation of Promoting Reintegration Reducing Exclusion (PRRE) that has been undertaken by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology (CIC) in Cambridge University. The CIC are due to present their report imminently, but this was commissioned following some of the early indicators of PRRE which highlighted that we potentially see examples of unconscious adultification of children. The current systems in schools can become too focused on the behaviours without seeing beyond these to other symptoms and root causes of that behaviour. They can fail to understand reasons for the presenting behaviour and therefore can act to exclude prematurely.”

Data driven decisions

“With the introduction of the Early Support Project in 2018 we saw a 25% reduction in first time entrants to the youth justice system in its first 12 months.

“Milton Keynes is growing rapidly as a city and our resources haven’t always been tailored to match this growth. There has been an increase in gang-related activities post-Covid with an increase in the number of children coming into the system who were previously unknown to our services and those of key partner agencies. This reinforces the importance for us to act earlier.

“Milton Keynes also has a very young population which means a larger population pool of potential first time entrants into our youth justice system. Following an increase in knife related offences we developed a new strand of the ESP, ACT-Now which is focused explicitly on this area. Our ACT-Now model works by establishing direct contact with a young person whilst they are still in police custody within 90-minutes of us being contacted by the police. We then have a follow up visit with the young person and parents/carers within 48 hours to agree how we can work with them voluntarily. This has led to very positive engagement and a very low level of reoffending to date by those children who have been supported using this model. None of the reoffending to date (around 5%) has related to further knife carrying.

“The ACT-Now work has been funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner and the initial success led to the same approach being funded by him to operate in Slough and other parts of the Thames Valley area are being considered for further expansion. ACT-Now is being viewed very positively by the Home Secretary who is monitoring progress with the approach and it has recently been shared as a model of best practice amongst the network of police and crime commissioners.

“As well as significantly increasing timeliness of dealing with these offences, which is crucial for young people to understand the consequences of their actions, we are seeing improved outcomes for these young people and reduced reoffending rates.

“The cost argument is very effective for the police. Their approach is different to ours, but the outcomes are mutually beneficial. It’s cost effective and demonstrably reducing repeat offending. Reduced crime means fewer victims and we can demonstrate this from our data captured in detail in Childview.

Using ChildView to tackle capture and analyse data for tangible action points

“The Early Support Project aims to measure the reoffending rate over two years. The rate for young people who have been through the service is currently 1.81% and we have worked with c.500 young people. We know that the methodology, therefore, works. Correctly identifying needs earlier greatly improves outcomes for these young people.

“Childview has been crucial in all of this in providing the opportunity to capture and analyse significant amounts of data on the different cohorts of children covered under the different strands of the Early Support Project. For many years we have used the prevention extended functionality which we purchased. The identify tool is extremely adaptable, enabling us to add different elements for the various strands, such as new screening and assessment methodologies. We can capture data about the different elements of the project work, most importantly providing verifiable evidence around the impacts and outcomes achieved.

“Further, Childview uniquely allows life event characteristics such as undiagnosed SLCN, trauma and ACEs to be captured and used to add value to the analysis. This enables us to create rich sub-sets of our prevention data and thoroughly learn about what impact we are having and what is working. We can look at the numbers, the work we are doing that makes a difference and the profiles in our Early Support Project, Turnaround, ACT-Now and PRRE.

“We need to analyse the pathways of all these cases via logging their identified adverse and trauma life experiences as well as referrals in and out of our projects. These include referrals for SLCN, SEND, substance use and mental health. ChildView is a flexible and adaptable system that enables us to track all of our different service and project approaches and methodologies.”

Youth Resilience Project

“Our Youth Resilience Project offers one-to-one mentoring at all stages of the youth justice pathway supplementing other models through support that is available end-to-end. It can be used at the beginning of their journey, for those children just starting to work with the service or those who already engaged with us, through to those transitioning out of the youth justice system.

“ChildView’s additional functionality helps us to differentiate needs from data captured and to enquire about the ways we can facilitate targeted prevention and help to children. It enables us to build practice-based evidence and utilise this information to inform where we need to build service system capacity and capability to reduce or eliminate criminal behaviour. Having the flexibility to shape and use our data from local project work is essential to us, this helps to reveal patterns and insight from our work and therefore to evidence and highlight the resources needed.

“However, ChildView also provides a standard framework for monitoring youth justice, for example first time entrants, offending and reoffending to ensure we create consistent information about impact. We aim to always focus on improving outcomes and data is essential to achieving this. The outcomes for children are ultimately what matters.

“All members of the team can access the data and interpret it. It’s transparent and accessible across the service. Because we share a common system with many other services in Thames Valley we can share our methodologies, learning and customisation with other youth justice services. This helps us to pool and build knowledge and approaches to improve outcomes for children in our domain.”