Rail & Transport

Effectively and efficiently operating transport services requires effective systems, good data and careful planning and execution. We believe that we can play a fundamental role in improving the outcomes of the transport industry for the benefit of its end users, as well as those employed to operate, maintain and manage the services.

CACI provides flexible solutions to transport operatives in analysing, running and enhancing your operations. If you need to schedule, train and asses your workforce more effectively, we can help drive the processes and capture the data you need for your operations as well as understanding the cost.

We have vast experience in this sector and have been helping rail operators such as Network Rail and Transport for London, airport authorities such as the Civil Aviation Authority, and vital road network maintenance providers such as National Highways to work smarter to work smarter, faster and more efficiently.


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Keep your services running smoothly

Delivering safe and reliable transport services that the public can trust requires innovative and adaptive thinking, drawing on real data insights to make informed decisions. Our extensive experience in this sector spans a wide variety of organisations with vastly different needs and we have delivered key infrastructure, workforce management and maintenance to clients.

CACI offers solutions in the following areas:

Workforce Management

We can make sure that you have the right people performing the right tasks at the right time and gain a holistic view of your workforce and its skills and competencies. From basic rostering to overlaying tasks onto shifts, Cygnum helps you to understand who needs to be where, when and why.

Competency management

Supporting a holistic approach to ensuring that your workforce is competent to the tasks you assign to it, we can help you to ensure that all training and assessments are conducted across your workforce.


From inducting new starters to providing mandatory ongoing courses and career progression opportunities, Cygnum helps you to schedule courses, trainers, resources and staff in a demand driven, intelligent way.


Ensuring that frontline staff are carrying out their tasks appropriately is essential to the smooth and safe operation of your services. Schedule assessors and capture data from assessments in real-time, feeding this data back into your overarching competency management and scheduling frameworks.

Data Platforms

We have extensive experience of building transport data platforms that will aid your operations by making it easy to glean valuable insights from the most relevant data. This allows quicker and more accurate operational decisions to be made.

IT Infrastructure

Our fully comprehensive and highly flexible network and IT services for transport can help your organisation succeed, no matter how challenging your individual business objectives.

Logistic Solutions

The optimisation of logistics solutions is one of our key business areas. Whether you have routing, supply chain or merger issues; we can solve them and ensure that your logistics operation becomes incredibly efficient.

By taking a collaborative approach, we help transport systems work smarter, faster and more economically, delivering better results for clients, passengers and stakeholders.



Workforce Management

Solutions and expertise to help you optimise every aspect of your field operations.

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Cloud Infrastructure

Our Cloud and managed service offerings provides agility, scalability and efficiency on your terms.

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Data Management

Collect, store and use data in an efficient, effective and secure way.

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Data Science & Analytics

Anticipate supply & demand and stay ahead of the competition through intelligent data.

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Logistics & Route Optimisation

Solutions and expertise to help you drive efficiencies out of everyday operations.

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Network & Infrastructure Services

Optimal network performance to ensure seamless operations.

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Case studies Case studies

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Automating competency management: effective, efficient, accurate

Ollie Watson
23 May 2024

Technology and its impact on risk in the rail industry

Ollie Watson
16 May 2024

Scheduling – getting the most from workforce management in the transport industry

Ollie Watson
6 Mar 2024

Reducing risk in the transport industry through workforce management

Ollie Watson
21 Feb 2024

Using CDP to design a successful business operating model

Paul Moss
3 Oct 2023

How the Cost of Living will further squeeze the least affluent

Mark Edwards
3 Oct 2023