Social Care Provision

The provision of social care in domestic and care home settings is vital to support vulnerable members of our society of all ages. Tracking, supporting and caring for people is paramount to successful service delivery.

How do you schedule your carers? How do you monitor outcomes for people in your care? How do you report on and improve your services? CACI is uniquely positioned to help you, whether it’s in a private care home setting, domestic visits as part of ongoing treatment or in looking after vulnerable young people. We can help you to track your results and help you to improve outcomes for the people in your care.

Join the dots in your services

By having the tools at your disposal to enhance your service delivery, you can make your processes more efficient and intelligent, responding nimbly to aspects such as short-term staffing shortages and increases in demand for your services. You can also join the dots in your services, using our technology to help you with reporting and establishing processes. Using our software, you can auto-schedule carers, freeing up valuable administration time to focus on exceptions and ongoing service delivery improvements.

  • Schedule: auto-schedule carers to make your scheduling more efficient
  • Reporting: generate deeper insight into your processes
  • Real-time information: gather data from your carers in real-time to keep your processes up to date regarding patient care
  • Collaborate: share and receive information externally to support your service delivery

Gaining deeper operation insight will help you to enhance your services. CACI can support you in doing this, with our team of experts on hand to assist you in setting up functionality such as auto-allocation of tasks and management reporting. By keeping your data in a central location, you can access the data you need, when you need it. Sharing this information with external parties such as the NHS will also help you in achieving more positive outcomes.


Case studies Case studies

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Case study

Automating competency management: effective, efficient, accurate

Ollie Watson
23 May 2024

Technology and its impact on risk in the rail industry

Ollie Watson
16 May 2024

Scheduling – getting the most from workforce management in the transport industry

Ollie Watson
6 Mar 2024

Appeals and school admissions: how to handle them efficiently

Marcus Le Brocq
28 Feb 2024

Managing oversubscription criteria in the school admissions process

Marcus Le Brocq
28 Feb 2024

Reducing risk in the transport industry through workforce management

Ollie Watson
21 Feb 2024